Tuesday, September 25, 2012

So much room for activities!!

We finally have a REAL apartment! Sure, we paid rent and utilities on the studio and lived there for nearly 2 years. However, when you cram two adults into one 200 sq ft room for an extended period of time, it starts to feel more like a jail cell than a humble abode. The irony of the situation is that I end up spending a lot of time in the living room with Josh anyway. I guess the CHOICE makes all the difference.

Furnishing the joint was fun (that's sarcasm). Even though it took around 2 hours, I did enjoy putting together my new art desk (which can be viewed at the end of this blog). Unfortunately, in a rush to get a couch (because there is something fundamentally incomplete about a living room without a couch) I managed to pick the world's heaviest one. Seriously, the thing weights a MINIMUM of 250 lbs. I'm pretty sure whenever we decide to move out of here, we will be doing it without the couch that I suspect may be made of dark matter. Moving on...

I did a bad thing last week and skipped my drawing class. Actually I blew everything off that took place after I left Brick City at 4:00pm. It couldn't be helped. When a girl is in go-go-go mode for over a week straight, something has got to give eventually. I have to make up for it now, but at least a majority of the move is done with, so that won't be filling up every free moment of my schedule. Of course, we're adopting a dog from my mom, so training him will soon be taking up a decent chunk of my time.

And dear GOD what did I do before Internet?! AT&T had to set me up with new service that was SUPPOSED to start last night, was ACTUALLY connected last Saturday and DOESN'T work so we have to wait for the technician to come by tomorrow. I'm redoing all these mobile posted blogs once I have access to the full website again.

Blah, that's all boring stuff. Let's just wrap this up and get to the pictures. Today we finally got to draw something other than boxes and box-like objects. We got to draw plaster heads on sticks. Well, we weren't supposed to identify them as heads in our minds, otherwise we would not truly draw what we saw and would recall memory of what a head looks like instead (which is what I STARTED to do on the first one). Anyway, the product of about and hour and a half of work can be seen somewhere below... Darn blogger app not letting me place pictures where I want them.

Oh well, until next time!

Plaster Cast Head on a Stick
Snazzy Desk that can be purchased HERE!
Wait for it...

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