Tuesday, September 11, 2012

And then The Collegiate Gods said, "There shall be NO rest!"

Man, it has been a busy week... Or has it been weeks? Projects have been keeping my hands full, but I have enjoy all aspects of my new homework.

I did, however, manage to find the time in the late hours of Saturday evening to order myself a snazzy work desk. I'm completely serious when I say this is the most handsome thing I have ever laid eyes on... After Josh, of course, but I'm still in love with this desk.

It has a glass top, so a simple lamp on the floor turns it into a light table for tracing. The table can lay flat or tilt up to a 25 degree angle, so no more hunchback drawing for me. It's got a lot of other cool features, but if you're interested in one, you can check it out at the following link:


Anyway, while I'm waiting for that to arrive, I will share a piece from a couple weeks ago. This was done at a friend's house the night that I FINALLY quit my soul sucking job. That's probably a bit of an exaggeration, but I don't seem to be alone in my thoughts on the place.

I had actually intended to work on a homework assignment, but forgot some key elements needed to start it. I ended up drawing anyway.

I didn't NEED to draw the coffee table covered in various trinkets, but I really WANTED to. This is further encouragement that I am on the right path.

Oh yeah, and we begin moving this week. We are going to have a whole 650 sq ft to ourselves! It may not sound like a lot to some one else, but when you've had two people living in a tin can of a studio together for 2 years, having the living room, kitchen and bedroom actually be separate rooms sounds like a mansion!

I think that's all for now. Until next time!

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