Friday, February 1, 2013

Stone Age Meets Digital Age, Photography Style!

I'm going to try to keep this post as brief as possible, hopefully under 300 words. I am going to do this by trying to stay in the immediate past. Still, I've been known to ramble...

I am in Photography I this semester. It's been over a decade since I've handled film, development chemicals or photo paper and actually knew what I was doing. Needless to say, I don't trust myself (or currently have the time) to study ahead independently on dark room procedures.

Tuesday night I found myself playing around with my negatives. It was too late to go up to the MSU photo lab and, again, I have no confidence in myself (please refer to previous paragraph, sentence 2).

In a fit of innovation, I constructed a (mostly fire proof) light table using a floor lamp and a white sheet of printer paper and took close up shots of the negatives with my phone... I feel like MacGyver when I use more than two tools to solve a problem... Of course, one of those tools is usually my iPhone... Because smart phones are the Swiss Army knife for a digital society. Anyway...

Using a free, mobile Photoshop app, I straightened, cropped and inverted the negatives and was able to pull off some reasonably decent images. Most of the pictures are crap, I'm still figuring out this camera. In 36 shots, I have confidence in the content and technique of 1 image and I am looking forward to seeing a large print of another.

I won't ramble on about what this pictures means to me, but I will say that it has re-sparked the creative flame within me. So, with out further a due, here it is. Until next time! ... That was 291 words, by the way.

'Keep it in Perspective'

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