Thursday, February 21, 2013

"Snow" Day

With classes cancelled for today, I thought it would be an appropriate time to update the blog. I use "snow" day liberally because it's not the awesome, white, fluffy stuff that you can sled across and build snowmen out of. No, it's the nasty "mixed" precipitation that accumulates in the form of ice and slush and pelts you with frozen icy bits from the sky. On a funny note, I didn't know class was cancelled until after I spent 30 minutes scraping ice off my car and getting up to campus.

I had a clue class might have been when I saw a completely vacant parking lot at the technical college on my way, and was almost sure when I pulled up and saw that my universities lot looked about the same. Still, like a lost puppy, I parked and checked my phone to be sure. Let it be known that I checked my phone before I left, but the notice was posted on the regular university site which I rarely navigate to. Even after confirming that class was not going to be in session today, I still sat there for another minute or two like some lingering, academics stalker.

This brings me to today's point. I've talked about it before, but I will continue to remind myself (and any potential readers) that I know when I am doing what I love. Genuine heartache filled me when I accepted that I would not be working in the studio today. For most, it would be like a concert, or movie showing being cancelled or an old friend you haven't seen in a while bailing out on plans with you because something unexpected came up. It sounded so fun and you were looking forward to it, weren't you? Well, those feelings of disappointment are shared by me today... Except replace recreational plans with academic pursuits.

I've been having positive anxiety every school night for the last two weeks now. I guess positive anxiety could probably be better described as excitement. The best way that I can explain it is when I lay down to go to bed, I am like a kid on Christmas Eve (or any appropriate holiday based on your particular beliefs). I want it to be tomorrow and I can't wait! The only thing I want is to fall asleep so the next day will hurry up and be here. Of course, the excitement can create a conflict because it's hard to fall asleep when your mind is a flurry of excitement. I can't wait to get back to class and open the next gift of knowledge! Now, it should be noted, these feelings begin to fade somewhere around the six hour mark, but that's my own fault for shoving 12 credit hours into one day.

Either way, it is yet another sign that I am on the right path. My course continues to be corrected and with each alteration, my present and future look much brighter. For instance: I discovered I could fit the five years of planned courses for the Graphic Design and Illustration Dual Major into four years at the cost of removing all free blocks to take extra curricular courses (drawing, painting, etc). I accepted this, but began to lose focus. After some advisement from an instructor on lesser known options (things not included on the Univ. website), I discovered that I have the option to double major. After checking schedule options and what courses would be dropped, I decided to lose the Graphic Design aspect of my degree, focus on Illustration only and double major with drawing (because I love to draw). Even if I can't get a BFA in a second area concurrently, I will still be dropping Graphic Design.

It's all based in the notion of "If it feels wrong, don't do it." I was never too terribly excited about Graphic Design. It seemed boring and pursuing it was a continuation of my left brain practicality saying "This will get you a job, so do it." Well, money isn't everything (still), and I don't want to waste my time and the government's money learning about something that I have little desire to do on a daily basis. Beyond that, Illustrators have the same opportunities as Graphic Designers. Not in the sense that they will apply for and get the same jobs, but often they will work in conjunction at the same firms. Illustration was what excited me and if supplemented with excessive drawing courses (and perhaps an extra painting course), NOTHING CAN STOP ME!!

I suppose that's all for now. I didn't really have a work planned to post here, so I'll dig something up really quickly... Just a moment... Hmm... Oooh, that could work... Now a little Photoshop... And...

I almost forgot that we got to work with some clay last class period. This little dude is made from stoneware clay and the pictures were taken prior to being fired in a kiln (I won't see him again until next Tuesday D:). His dimensions are about 2.5" x 3" x 3", I'll have to get a more accurate measurement next class. Our assignment was to make a creature that could fit within the small box supplied by our instructor. He wanted them small because he planned to fire all 36 clay critters from his two sections at once. I started off trying to make a turtle, but had some difficulty, so I went for a little dragon instead. No, he doesn't have arms, but I like him that way. Every time I tried to give him arms, it looked stupid, so I left them off and added wings instead. I realized later how I could have added the appendages, but I am still pleased with how he (or she, I suppose) turned out.

Okay, so that's definitely it for now. Until next time!

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