Thursday, August 16, 2012

... What is this? A blog? Aren't blogs regularly updated?Hmm...

So, super long hiatus from the right brain retrain blog. I've had some ideas but no will to work on them. "But, Lindsay," you might ask,"Whatever could have caused you to lose the will to draw?" That is a very good question, it's called work. Not that it's a horrible job, but it drains the life and creative energy out of me.

Never fear, though, with school starting next week, the 2 week notice has been given and my focus it turning back to school. Hooray! Sure, I have yet to pick up my parking pass, and no I don't entirely remember how to get to the building where I'm taking my studio classes, but I'll figure it all out on Tuesday.

With all the excitement building about returning to school, and this time I'll be pursuing a major that I enjoy, you might expect a bubbly, happy and energetic picture, right? Unfortunately, no, this picture was not inspired by a child's joy, but the darker side of the inner child. With that, I present you with 'Please Appease the Id'.

That is the Freudian 'id', the one that rhymes with kid. I'm by no stretch of the imagination a psychology genius. I'm not even a psych student, but as much flack as Freud is given for his concepts, I believe there is quite a bit of truth to his structural model of the psyche (the one about the id, ego and super ego).

I won't go into the the major details of what I know about it, but to put it simply, the id is considered the drive to live and create while concurrently acting as the drive to die and destroy. When the id gets to be free on the playground, it can have fun and create (note: the id motivates a lot of our sexual intentions). But, when the id does not get to have fun or no longer has access to an outlet to appease it's drive to create new things, it turns to destruction. It's the idea of annual forest fires caused by mother nature to burn away the old and make way for new growth.

To put it simply, this picture was done as a metaphor for the balancing act of allowing the inner child to have just enough fun and be appeased without destroying necessary structure in life. The picture came to me during an introspective discussion about some negative behaviors I have displayed in the past and how some of them still linger. Of course, every aspect of life is about finding a healthy compromise.

If it were left up to kids, they would never go to school, never clean their room and never share their toys. They would just play and be goofy little hyper-dweebs all day. However, without learning valuable lessons in responsibility and finding the balance between work and play, those children would never grown up to be complete and functioning adults.

So, while I carry around an id that sometimes becomes overwhelming and makes impulsive decisions, I have learned to actually communicate with that id. It can be challenging, but I find out what it really wants from the situation so that I can give it just enough of what it needs. This is important because if you don't indulge the id occasionally, they throw a fit and wreck your shit... And by shit I mean your brain and you need your brain... At least I do... Mostly.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. well written, well thought out post and I love the drawing as well.
