Friday, April 6, 2012

Oh, hello creativity, how have you been? I've missed you!

Today, I begin a blog to help reintegrate my brain back into the things I enjoyed previously in life; more specifically, drawing. I’ve been doing it my entire life and, according to others, I show a sort a knack for it. Of course, as we get older and find that life is filled with medial tasks and irritating obligations, we lose track of the things we once loved.

The idea of how this blog will help me is that it will begin to reintegrate art back into my life slowly and steadily. This is so I can train my scattered right brain to create and handle manageable projects without biting off more than I can chew. I got this wonderful idea from my friend TellCosy who recently began her 1,001 Things I Can’t Do Blog blog to begin writing more frequently.

The problem lies in that most art tasks I sporadically start become much larger projects at a rapid pace. When this happens, I get overwhelmed, or have to put the project down to take care of my every day responsibilities. And when this happens, the project inevitably sits at the bottom of an artistic ‘to do’ stack for months to years, or the idea is lost completely.

This blog aims to resolve this issue by setting a goal and a limit on weekly projects, or doodles. Over time, the minimums and maximums will be increased as much training regimens do. I will draw in some medium, whether it is traditional or digital, and post it on this blog weekly.

For these first few weeks, I will be setting a goal of one hour spent to complete the project and a two hour limit. Obviously these projects will be small, but they will not be so small that they will be neglected, or ‘half assed.’

So, without further a due, here is week one’s doodle.

I’ve been obsessively watching Invader Zim on Netflix lately. Also, I have an English Assignment I am working on that is a ‘How to Draw’ book for kids showing them how to draw the characters from this show. After constantly studying, drawing and redrawing these characters, the cartooning patterns are starting to become second nature.

As this is my first entry, I felt it fitting to do a self portrait in some fashion; I call it “Lucky, Invader Style.” Yes, I realize this is not too creative, but titling is another thing I need to work on.

Until next week!

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